Released: May 4, 2016

By the Deputy Chief, Policy and Licensing Division, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau:

On April 25, 2016, the Commission released a Report and Order, FCC 16-48, in the above-captioned proceeding.  On April 29, 2016, the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau released an Erratum amending Appendix A of the Report and Order.  This Second Erratum amends the Report and Order as indicated below:

  1. In paragraph 63, in the first sentence, replace the reference to Section “90.619(a)(6)(i)” with “90.619(a)(5)(i)” and replace the term “12.5 kilohertz analog (11K2F3E) emission” with “analog FM emission.”

This Second Erratum also further amends APPENDIX A of the Report and Order as indicated below:

  1. In Section 90.619, replace the reference to “paragraph (a)(6)(i)” with “paragraph (a)(5)(i)”, remove the reference to emission designator “11K2F3E”, and add the term “FM” before the word “emission.”
  2. Paragraph (i), of Section 90.619(c)(6), is corrected to read as follows:

“(i) Channel numbers 1–230 are also available to eligible applicants in the Public Safety Category in the Canada Border Regions. The assignment of these channels will be done in accordance with the policies defined in the Report and Order of Gen. Docket No. 87–112 (See § 90.16). The following channels are available only for mutual aid purposes as defined in Gen. Docket No. 87–112: Channels 1, 39, 77, 115, 153. Mobile and portable radios operating on the mutual aid channels shall be capable of analog FM emission.

Michael J. Wilhelm

Deputy Chief, Policy and Licensing Division

Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau

Read More: DOC-339202A1 erratum
Original Post: FCC-16-48A1, FCC-16-48A2

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