Leader in Public Safety Communications™
ACD Telecom is a nationally recognized telecommunications firm specializing in public safety communications. It is ACD Telecom’s mission to prepare public safety personnel for the next generation of communications.
ACD Telecom specializes in cybersecurity, broadband, coverage testing, and more!
Click here for a full report
ACD Telecom tests LMR and FirstNet LTE systems around the nation for in-building and on-street coverage.
For our Public Safety broadband clients, ACD Telecom provides project management, system design, regulatory compliance, and coverage analysis services.
For more broadband resources including your state’s BEAD five-year action plan, click here.
ACD Telecom protects client’s digital infrastructure by identifying and eliminating its weak points.
“I highly recommend the Services of ACD Telecom, their services are outstanding…”
Bob Swick
Branch County 9/11 Central Dispatch – MI
ACD Telecom, LLC
103 Commerce St. Unit 180
Lake Mary, FL 32746
(407) 333-2300
601 Westtown Road
West Chester, PA 19380-0990
(610) 344-4364