AU Docket No. 18-85
1. In this Public Notice, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) and the Office of Economics and Analytics (OEA) identify 38 applicants found to be qualified to bid in Auction 102. Auction 102 will offer 2,909 Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service (UMFUS) licenses in the 24.25– 24.45 and 24.75–25.25 GHz (24 GHz) band. Bidding in the clock phase of Auction 102 is scheduled to begin on March 14, 2019. This Public Notice contains bidding instructions and other important information regarding Auction 102. It also addresses the continuing obligations and auction procedures for all Auction 102 applicants, including those that have been deemed not qualified to bid.
2. Each Auction 102 applicant whose short-form application to participate in Auction 102 (FCC Form 175) had previously been deemed to be complete could become qualified to bid after making a timely and sufficient upfront payment. Following reconciliation of upfront payments, applications for Auction 102 have been classified into the categories listed below.
Qualified………………………………………………………………….38 applications
Non-Qualified ………………………………………………………….22 applications
3. Qualified Bidders. Attachment A to this Public Notice lists the name of each of the 38 qualified bidders. Attachment A also indicates whether the applicant has claimed eligibility for a rural service provider or small business bidding credit. For those claiming a small business status, the attachment lists each qualified bidder’s claimed bidding credit revenue range. Designation of an applicant as qualified to bid in the auction indicates that the applicant has provided the certifications and information concerning its qualifications for participation in the auction, and that the applicant timely submitted a sufficient upfront payment as required by the Commission’s competitive bidding rules.
4. In order to participate effectively in the auction, each qualified bidder should carefully review the auction rules, procedures, and other information described in the Auctions 101 and 102 Procedures Public Notice and subsequent public notices. These public notices and other documents related to Auction 102 are available on the Auction 102 website under the “Releases” section at www.fcc.gov/auction/102. This Public Notice provides additional guidance.
5. Non-Qualified Applicants. Attachment B to this Public Notice lists each applicant that submitted an FCC Form 175 but did not qualify to bid in Auction 102. All applicants, including those that have been deemed not qualified to bid, remain subject to the Commission’s rules prohibiting certain communications in connection with Commission auctions.